Request A Free Energy Audit

Work with PEC to receive a thorough, complimentary energy assessment of your facility. 

Tap into the expertise of a PEC Sales Engineer, who will work with you to:

  • Perform an on-site energy audit of your existing lighting technologies to determine current light levels and energy output
  • Learn any existing pain points
  • Understand current goals and operational needs 

Work with PEC to receive a complimentary energy audit of your current lighting system.

PEC is your “easy button” to deploying a customized, scalable lighting system. Our first step of any project is to conduct an on-site energy audit to learn if a lighting retrofit is the right investment for you.

Here is how each project flows:

  • Pre-audit meeting

    Before your audit, you will first have an Energy Assessment Meeting -- where your PEC Sales Engineer will setup a time to learn about your facilities, current issues, and top priorities for the project.

  • Energy Audit

    Your Sales Engineer will conduct a complete and thorough onsite assessment of your facility. Documenting the existing technologies, your pain points, and current needs.

  • Design

    Your Sales Engineer is an expert in lighting design, specification and control systems. After completing their on-site assessment they'll show you the photometrics and discuss their recommendations for a system custom designed for your facility and specialized application.

  • Material Procurement

    Once we've specified and agreed on the scope of your project our procurement team will take care of all material ordering and delivery

  • Secure Energy Incentives

    Our in-house team of energy incentive experts will maximize and secure all available incentives helping you fund your project and ensuring you don't leave any money on the table.

  • Project manage entire installation

    A dedicated project manager will be assigned to your project throughout the entire installation.

  • Post-Installation Support

    Should anything not be just right we won't leave you handing. Our warranty support team will take care of any post-install issues.

Request an audit

Learn precise light levels and see how an LED retrofit would impact your business.

Energy Monitoring


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Request a free energy audit

Save Energy | Save Money | Improve Safety | Boost Mood & Morale | Increase Productivity | Meet Your Sustainability Goals | And More…

LED Lighting




EV Charging


