Industrial / shipyard

VIGOR Industrial

165% light level increases and massive savings in one of the largest LED projects in the history of the Energy Trust of Oregon.

Portland, OR

Lighting you have to see to believe

An enormous 60 acre shipyard with over 1,800 employees and a year-round nighttime operation that is one of the largest and most capable shipyards on the West Coast.

Vigor Industrial struggled with a complex lighting system comprised of multigenerational and outdated technology. Not only did sub-par lighting create an unsafe and counterproductive workplace, but the company had spent over $80,000 in maintenance costs for lighting alone.

We worked with Vigor to create a holistic plan to dramatically cut costs and increase employee safety, including implementing smart control systems to help achieve downtime efficiency. We installed custom-made LED fixtures and applications – from lighting a seven-foot man door to a 200-foot crane – making the project one of the largest commercial/industrial outdoor LED projects in the history of the Energy Trust of Oregon.

Measure what matters

Run Efficient

Annual Energy Savings:

7,164,193 kWh

Light Level Increase:


Save Money

Annual Savings:


Return on Investment:

1.68 years



Pacific Energy Concepts helped us replace more than 1,000 outdated fixtures with energy-efficient LED lighting at our Portland headquarters. The project was one of the largest commercial/industrial outdoor LED projects in the history of the Energy Trust of Oregon.

PEC helped us to effectively address all of our goals, and the project has continued to leave a lasting impact. Safety has significantly improved for the 1,800 employees who help drive our year-round, nighttime operation. Our previous lighting maintenance costs were over $80,000 – and now, our expenses don’t even come close.

Pacific Energy Concepts had our best interests in mind throughout every phase of the project. We were thoroughly impressed with the team’s knowledge, professionalism, and dedication to their work. Because of our positive experience and impressive projects outcomes. I highly recommend Pacific Energy Concepts to any organization seeking a lighting upgrade.

-Facilities Manager, Vigor Industrial

Work Happy

Increased Safety & Security

Improved Productivity

Better Mood & Morale

Protect the Planet

Tons of C02:


Gallons of Gas:


Acres of Trees Planted:


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Save Energy | Save Money | Improve Safety | Boost Mood & Morale | Increase Productivity | Meet Your Sustainability Goals | And More…

LED Lighting




EV Charging


