Industrial / manufacturing / steel

Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.

See how PEC has helped transform lighting for companies in the Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. family such as EMJ metals and PDM Steel

36 Projects, 17 States

Big operations. Big solutions

We understand manufacturing environments and are able to uncover their pain points to build projects that help them operate more effectively. PEC has worked with Reliance and their companies to improve lighting at facilities like the 5 EMJ sites we have completed projects for, brining vastly improved light levels, annual savings of over $246K, improved safety and so much more.

Measure what matters

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Run Efficient

Annual Energy Savings:

10,323,027 kWh

Save Money

Annual Savings:
(Energy + Maintenance)


Avg. rate of ROI

4.74 Years

Incentives Processed:



PEC handled absolutely everything I need them to, weather it be installation schedule, incentives, material storage or working on different shifts to avoid slowing down production. I can’t over state this enough they completely over exceeded all expectations, great project from beginning to end.

-Director of Plant Operations, EMJ Metals – Schaumburg, IL

Work Happy

Increased Safety

Improved Productivity

Better Mood & Morale

Protect the Planet

Tons of C02


Gas of Gas


Homes’ electricity use
for a full year


See what we can do for your business