LED Retrofit & EV Fleet Charging Solutions

Nossa Familia Coffee Drive to Net-Zero with EV Fleets & Energy Efficient LED

“We made a pledge to be net-zero carbon by 2030.  I wanted sustainability to be part of our ethos from day one.”

— Augusto Carneiro
Founder & Chief Friendship Officer of Nossa Familia Coffee

On a path towards net-zero

Nossa Familia Coffee has placed sustainability at the core of their company mission — a mission that’s been reinforced by their commitment to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. In an effort to reach this lofty goal, their team leveraged PEC’s efficiency expertise to find additional ways they could optimize their energy use. Here’s how our team made an impact.

Designed and deployed an energy-efficient LED Retrofit, reducing annual energy use by 62%
Integrated EV Charging stations to power electric van delivery fleet
Managed collection of utility incentives, including nearly 30% of project cost for LED retrofit
Provided end-to-end project management

Capturing 62% energy savings with an LED upgrade

Our first project with Nossa Familia was helping them optimize their energy use through upgraded facillity lighting system — helping transition from power-hungry, outdated technology to an energy-efficient LED design. After conducting a thorough audit of Nossa Familia’s existing system, and working with them to understand how the space was used, we designed and deployed and LED retrofit that both improved the lighting for their team, while cutting out wasted energy. 

One of my coffee roaster friends introduced me to PEC, and it almost seemed too good to be true. It wasn’t going to cost that much up front, and within a year we’re saving hundreds of dollars on lighting

— Augusto Carneiro

Here's how PEC made an impact


Annual energy reduction


In project incentives through Energy Trust of Oregon


Reduced annual energy & maintenance spend 

Powering emission-free coffee delivery with EV Fleet charging

Nossa continued on their journey to net-zero emissions by invested in an all-electric van fleet for their coffee deliveries. And to power this fleet, they needed an EV charging solution developed at their roasting facility.

Our team worked with Nossa Familia to serve as their “easy button” for this project — providing them with an expertly designed solution, while they focused on their day-to-day operations. This process included:

  • Identifying the best charger for the business model (in Nossa’s case, fleet charging)
  • Determining the charger level needed (1, 2, or 3) that best fits the use case
  • Scoping and building out the electrical infrastructure needed for charger locations (digging trenches to run wires, laying concrete pads for charger mounting, etc.)
  • Gathering project incentives from utility providers that may be available to help fund the project

“I believe we are going to be the first coffee roaster in Portland, maybe Oregon, to have fully electric deliveries, and as part of that we needed charging infrastructure. And that’s not a simple project . . . having everything handed to us was really great.

— Augusto Carneiro

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LED Lighting




EV Charging


