Commercial / fuel & gas

Leathers Fuel

Dramatically improved performance coupled with energy savings for 23 stations throughout Oregon

23 Oregon projects


Leathers Fuel (with 23 stations throughout Oregon, whose major brand is Shell) is dedicated to keeping overhead low, so they can pass savings onto their customers. However, managing unique lighting systems in each location stymied efficiency gains and financial savings, and failed to give all stations a unified look and feel. Leathers Fuel felt the pain of stocking large quantities of disparate bulbs, along with ongoing maintenance to keep fixtures running without interruption. For a group who puts customers first, they knew a meaningful change to their lighting system would make all the difference.


Leathers turned to PEC to manage lighting for their full portfolio of stations, and we designed a highly efficient solution that met the needs of each location. To achieve this, we installed only six different fixtures across 23 Leathers Fuel sites. Each station can now offer a brighter, whiter, cleaner look for their customers. In the evening, when no one is outside, the system dims by 10%, only to increase to full power with foot traffic. Maintenance is no longer a financial hardship and burden to management, which means Leathers Fuel can pass more savings onto their customers – and managers can concentrate on running the business, rather than changing light fixtures.

Measure what matters

Run Efficient

Annual Energy Savings:

618,642 kWh

Light Level increase         50%

Save Money

Annual Savings:


Annual maintenance Savings


Incentives Processed:


Work Happy

Increased Safety & security

Better mood & morale

Protect the Planet

Tons of C02:


Gallons of Gas:


Acres of Trees Planted:


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LED Lighting




EV Charging


