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Free E-Book

10 Ways LED Retrofits Impact Manufacturing Success


In 2024, operational leaders in the manufacturing sector will be challenged with balancing their focus on a wide-range of initiatives. Talent retention, decarbonization, ESG & SDG commitments, and overall operational performance have been touted as top priorities — so where do you start?

We recommend a project that covers them all.  In this e-book, we aim to provide executive leaders and plant management teams with in-depth research and real-world customer stories on how custom LED systems impact facilities beyond simple energy savings.

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

  • Impact on decarbonization: Learn how LED has proven to support leading manufacturers in CO2 reduction efforts - including actual results from PEC clients.
  • Navigating staffing challenges: See research demonstrating the profound impact lighting has on employee and job satisfaction.
  • Plant operational performance: Real-world examples of how improved lighting impacts plant performance beyond energy savings, including productivity and accuracy.
  • Workplace safety: Research demonstrating how better lighting creates safer environments for employees
  • Energy and maintenance spending: See how continuing to power antiquated lighting technologies impacts plant profitability and maintenance demands.

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